Monday, November 29, 2010

The Final Leg

We departed Marco at first light on Saturday morning, as planned. The passage through the "backwaters" of Marco and Goodland were absolutely fabulous!

By shortly after 8:00a, we were at Coon Key Light and headed offshore for the five hour cruise to Marathon. The day was overcast, which made sighting all the crab pot buoys much easier -- combined with calm seas, it made for a most delightful finale to our journey. At about 12:30p, we had the Marathon Yacht Club in our sights!

So, we're "home" for the winter -- with plans to prepare Ivory Lady for the "Lighting of the Fleet" on Dec 10, which is the launch of the Christmas season here! We're returning to Dry Dock for Christmas and returning to Marathon in time for New Years' Eve.

We'll post a few thoughts and pictures as we journey through the holiday season! But, one last picture, from Useppa Island that Bill wanted to share with you!

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