Monday, November 1, 2010

Back in Florida!

Had a great trip from Jekyll Island with amazingly little water traffic! A beautiful sight, both from the sheer magnitude of the facility but also because it's the last thing we see in GA, is Kings Bay Naval Station. This facility performs the re-arming of our nuclear submarine fleet -- and as part of the Salt Treaty, the re-arming bays are shorter than the submarines so that "enemy" satellites can identify that a "boomer" is being re-armed.

Kings Bay Naval Station, St. Mary's GA

Once in Florida, we again confirmed that Jacksonville is still really south Georgia, as there was no apparent difference in the scenery - endless marshes! We "turned right" at the St. Johns' River and continued some 25 miles through downtown Jacksonville to the Florida Yacht Club. As the northern most Club on the East Coast, we started our mileage log in the yearly competition for most miles traveled between Florida Council yacht clubs during a calendar year.

Gorgeous slip and facility -- even though the Club was closing within a couple hours of our arrival and we had the entire marina to ourselves for the evening.

The side trip through the Port of Jacksonville was astonishing in the magnitude of the facilities.

As we passed a container vessel, we saw another way to get your boat from port to port!

Early departure this morning got us back to the Intracoastal and again heading south. Made it a "short day", stopping in St. Augustine by 1p, avoiding a collision with a "run-about" who didn't have a clue!! Afternoon spent re-provisioning and doing a bit of "seeing the old city".
Bridge of Lions, St. Augustine FL

Tomorrow morning we head for Daytona Beach and the Halifax River Yacht Club -- these "free nights" sure are nice and the facilities & friendliness are tremendous!

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