Friday, May 6, 2011

The Journey North

Ivory Lady is Headed North!

After an absolutely fabulous winter with great weather, good friends and lots of visitors, Ivory Lady with Captain Bill & Admiral Jann started the trek north on Wednesday, May 4 -- by heading west! We couldn't resist participating in the Bahia Honda Fleet/Fun Fleet Cruise, which took us about 1 1/2 hours in the opposite direction from our ultimate target. We had a great two days, used my Valentine's Day gift of anchor bridle and spent two glorious nights "on the hook".

This morning, we hoisted anchor shortly after 7a. We had intended to go "outside" which would take us up the Atlantic and perhaps catch the gulfstream for a 3-4knot push. In checking the weather, however, the winds were unfavorable and the stream had moved about 10 miles further out. So, we ducked back "inside" which brings us up the Gulf and Florida Bay to Key Largo and then around the peninsula to Miami.

As we cruised through Key Largo and Jewfish Creek, we passed good friends, Tom & Marie Smith aboard Adventure, who are headed to Hilton Head SC for the summer. We plan to sync up with them in the next couple of days and actually spend several days together next weekend at the FCYC meeting at the Moorings Yacht Club in Vero Beach.

Just a few minutes later, we had some great traveling companions for about 15 minutes!

We arrived in Key Biscayne about 4:30p and staying at the Key Biscayne Yacht Club just for tonight. Unfortunately, their dockmaster was highly incompetent and the slip was only about 4 inches wider than Ivory Lady, but Captain Bill did his magic again and we are in safe and sound for the night.

Tomorrow is on to Ft. Lauderdale -- short day with lots of "no wake zones" as we cruise up the Intracoastal Waterway.

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