Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb. 21, 2010
Just took delivery of our new dinghy and lashed her to the transom for our trip from Stuart, FL to Marathon, FL, our winter home.
She's been in the boatyard for about a week getting some bottom paint and her propellers balanced. The last of the minor repairs required before we get underway are complete.
Our first trip will be short; only about 30 miles to Jupiter, FL on a pretty Sunday afternoon. The selling dealer has given us a fine orientation on the boat's systems and we find that she's much less complicate than our last boat, "Passages". However, since she's newer, lots of things are now electronic including the engine controls and guages. The captain is an old dog who likes his mechanical guages. Well, the Captain didn't know how to blog a week ago either.
Stay tuned.

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