Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Lovely Marathon Season

Last we communicated, we were headed to the cabin in North Carolina for Christmas. This picture says it all:

Didn't take us long to long for the Keys! Flew back to Marathon to find out that Bill had been nominated for treasurer of the Yacht Club. Before the election could take place, the Vice Commodore nominee had to quit and the Rear Commodore nominee was promoted to Vice. Bill was elevated to Rear Commodore and was elected in January. See what happens when you turn your head or miss a meeting? Jann has curtailed her consulting and is contributing much of her considerable talents to the Yacht Club. She has also learned to play Mah Jongg.

Ivory Lady has been behaving quite nicely on the frequent cruises we take with our friends at the club. We had a fun trip to Miami on the boat and then went back soon after to the Miami Boat Show by car. At the show we acquired an anchor bridle and Jann & I really look forward to using it to anchor out in one of the many gunkholes around the Keys. Soon as the wind lays down, we'll get away from the dock and take some pics of the new anchoring device. Until then, we hope your weather isn't too bad and we'll refrain from gloating about ours. It could still take a turn.