Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Adventures in Marathon

As soon as the Lighting of the Fleet was over last Friday, we began preparing Ivory Lady for our trip north.  That means, in addition to maintenance activities like generator servicing, we needed to remove all the Christmas lights and also have Rich, the diver, clean the bottom of the boat.

Yesterday while removing lights, we had a guest on the dock who then proceeded to climb up the piling in an attempt to board Bob's boat, docked next to us.

Today, Rich came by to dive the boat, clean the bottom and replace our zincs. We had visitors. Two manatees cruised in and made quick friends with Rich. We had a hose running over the edge of the dock and they both came up to take a drink. It didn't take them long to figure out how to both benefit at the same time. We called it a French Water Kiss. When rich tried to brush them off with his bottom brush, they were skiddish at first, but when he finished our boat and began working on a sailboat at the next dock, they followed him over and wouldn't leave him alone to work.  We all had a great afternoon bonding with these huge creatures.  They're so ugly that they are actually cute.

We plan to leave Marathon aboard Ivory Lady on Saturday, 12/17 for St. Petersburg and Christmas with our many friends there. Some will join us on their boat for a cruise south to Ft. Myers for New Years Eve. Our next installlment will be on the water! Can't wait.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas in the Keys!

We've had a fabulous time since arriving in Marathon now almost a month ago!    Great friends, Willy & Caryn, were here for Thanksgiving week and we have a superb time!  We've reintegrated into the Yacht Club and also into our church family here in Marathon.

As is the case of everyone this time of year, there are more parties and events than our schedule can possibly accommodate.  And yet, I try!   The largest event at the Club, probably for the entire year, is the Lighting of the Fleet.   Every vessel in the marina is decorated and on that special night, the cannon is fired at 6:15p and every boat is illuminated simultaneously.   We spent a couple weeks getting Ivory Lady ready for the event that was held last Friday night.   The Yacht Club was completely full (132 guests), the weather was absolutely perfect and a delightful evening was had by all.

At the end of the evening, Ivory Lady won the trophy for Best Power Boat over 40' - the Rear Commodore & his Admiral were very proud!   The sign hanging says "A Wish for You From the REAR Commodore"

Here's a pic of the front of Ivory Lady --

Today we began taking all the decorations off Ivory Lady.   Weather permitting, we will depart Marathon early Saturday morning headed for St. Pete for Christmas.   Christmas lights do NOT like salt walter, so they need to come down.

Watch for posts along our travel the next couple of weeks -- and have a Very Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Arrival In Marathon

Some folks may wonder why in the world we select this type of life -- just see the visitors we had during our final day of travel into our Winter Home in Marathon!! Arrived Tuesday @ 1:15p with good friends, Deb & Pete, on the dock to meet us! Now that I'm here, I've figured out how to move the pictures from the trip to the Blog!!

Oh, well -- will do better as we continue!

Ivory Lady got a good washing this morning -- now she's ready to shine here in the Florida sun!! We'll probably not journey too far from the dock for the next month with all the holiday events. But watch for a posting about the 10th of December -- she will be decked out for Christmas and the Lighting of the Fleet!!

Then, weather permitting, we'll head north with Ivory Lady on Saturday, December 17 for Christmas in St. Pete and New Years in Ft. Myers with Willy & Caryn Bain on Touch N Go!!
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

What a GREAT Week!

We've just arrived in Ft. Lauderdale - just north of 17th Street Bridge at the Lauderdale Yacht Club, one of our FCYC member clubs.   We've had a superb week with Judy Ambury as able crew.   She joined us last Saturday morning in Fernandina Beach and will be disembarking tonight.   We started the trip out right with a visit to the Irish Pub in town.

We left Fernandina early Sunday with sweatshirts and jeans from the cold and wind -- docking in St. Augustine was a real challenge.  Judy had no trouble on the boat -- but the rocking floating docks were a real experience.

Monday dawned calm and beautiful -- we had a great trip to Halifax River Yacht Club in Daytona Beach (another council club = free dockage!).   Judy quickly became great crew - and we all pitched in for a much needed bath for Ivory Lady.  The Club and most of downtown was closed -- but there was an IRISH PUB!   

Tuesday took us to Eau Gallie/Melbourne and yet another council club.   We finally got the dolphins playing in the wake and then playing in the basin all evening.   

Wednesday took us to Vero Beach - and a council club that we had not previously visited.   We had planned to stay there two night, as there is a great Yanmar Distributor that Bill really likes, so he arranged some routine maintenance for all day Thursday.    Wednesday evening we had dinner at the Club with great friends from our Greenville SC days and then Th ursday Judy and I spent the day provisioning, shopping and lunch on the beach while Bill worked with Christian from Ace Marine.  It was a simply gorgeous day of clear skies and 80 degrees with just a gentle breeze.    At the recommendation of our friends, we secured tickets for "Boeing Boeing" at the Riverside Little Theatre, which was a 10 minute walk from the boat.   Great comedy and superb evening!

Friday dawned with a great surprise - cold front brought low 50s temperature and lots of wind.   Off the dock without an issue and made it a long day (80 miles) to Lantana.   Crew (Judy & Jann) spent some time cleaning the flybridge - Judy is learning the cleaning is something that is perpetual on a vessel.  Spent the evening/night aboard Ivory Lady without getting off the boat - superb!

This morning we left just before 8a and arrived here in Lauderdale @ 1p.   We'll spend the afternoon cleaning Ivory Lady - wash and eisenglas this time.   Then tonight, Bob joins us for dinner -- and then he takes his lady away with him.   How we will miss Judy and her great company.

Tomorrow is off to Miami - short day of 30 miles.   Then Monday or Tuesday we'll get to Marathon - depending upon winds & weather.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Headed South for the Winter

After a fabulous summer at our mountain haven - Dry Dock, Bill & I started our trek south on Monday afternoon.  We left the cabin in the afternoon, stopped in Hendersonville to see dear friends, Larry & Nancy, and then headed to Ivory Lady.  Tuesday was spent provisioning, cleaning and final preparations.  Wednesday morning at first light, Ivory Lady and able crew began our journey south.

First day was 95 miles to Hilton Head - HarborTown Yacht Basin and a visit with friends from Marathon, Tom & Marie Smith.   We had a great time at birthday party for grand-daughter Ansley (age 7) and James & Tammy (parents) and Deland & Braden (sister & brother).  Marie is anxious to get out off the wheelchair and crutches -- the results of broken heel and fibula during our FCYC trip in September.  Tom is anxious to get south -- way too cold for him in South Carolina in November!

Thursday morning, we pulled out of the slip at first light with a 111 mile goal to St. Simons Island.  We pushed hard the first two days in order to get to Fernandina Beach on Friday -- Florida Petroleum is a great source for diesel - clean and about $.75/gallon cheaper than most.  We planned to take on about 700 gallons, so it was worth the push!

Thursday was a gorgeous day -- it started out brisk but bright sunshine and gentle breezes made it a wonderful journey, arriving at Morningstar Marina about 3:00p.  We were blessed with an incoming tide all day, which made for easy travel.

Friday was to be an "easy" day with only 40 miles to Fernandina.  The weather had turned colder with gale force (force 5 winds) and significant cloud cover.   Our morning was spent watching the charts closely, as we were on an ebbing tide until 11a.  A beautiful Hatteras was ahead of us along Cumberland Island and apparently got just enough close to the side of the channel and ran hard aground.   He graciously radioed us with caution - but we had no problems as we eased through the channel around him.  Later this afternoon, we caught up with them here in Fernandina Beach -- he was only aground about 2 hours and did no damage to the vessel.

Fueling went well and we snugged into Fernandina Beach about 2p.  We're here tomorrow when Judy Ambury joins us as crew for the week.   Judy is good friend/family - daughter of friends Larry & Nancy Weir.  We're excied about having her on-board as we cruise the East Coast.   Sunday we'll be off to St. Augustine.

Took some great photos -- having trouble uploading, but hopefully I'll get it straightened out in the days ahead!.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time Flies!!!

We've had an absolutely fabulous week cruising up the East Coast of Florida and Georgia. Tuesday afternoon found us in St. Augustine at the City Marina, which is a delightful facility right downtown. We enjoyed a good walk in the late afternoon, but with insufficient time to enjoy the trolley tour, so we'll save that for another time. Then a delicious dinner of she crab soup & caesar salad @ Harry's with Marsha & Bob Povey, dockmates in Charleston. They are aboard Threadbare and also headed to Ripley Light, but will get there several days before we do. We "found" each other as we were waiting for the Endeavor lift-off on Monday in the Indian River Lagoon.

After an initial attempt to go offshore on Wednesday morning, we returned to the Intracoastal for the journey to Jacksonville. The weather reports were for 1-2' seas and 5 knot winds, but we had 3-5' with 15 knots on our nose -- no reason to get beat up! We took the 30+ mile detour on the St. John's River into Jacksonville and the Florida Yacht Club -- a lovely trip that we had made last fall as well. And there, across the dock, was "Ellie C" with Robert & Glenn aboard, who had been our dockmates the night before in St. Augustine. Robert has a beautiful 40' Legacy where we all enjoyed a cocktail and then the Pirates' Grill @ FYC.

Thursday morning, following a tour of Ivory Lady by Bob & Glenn, they tossed us our lines and off we went headed for Fernandina Beach. Jacksonville has an active port -- and we encountered traffic that we were more than happy to "give way" to.

At Fernandina Harbor Marina, we checked in with the HarborMaster, whom we had met the night before at Florida Yacht Club. I'm sure you're getting the "way it works" by now -- meeting new folks on the water is a daily event and re-uniting later is great fun! We stayed in Fernandina two nights -- giving us a chance to clean & re-group/ as well as take on CREW!

Barb Sammis, a dear friend from St. Pete, joined us on Friday afternoon ready for a few days aboard The Lady. Bob & Barb have boated all their married life, so able hands as well as treasured time together have been superb!! Across the dock was "American Star" from the American Cruise Lines, a coastal cruise line that traverses the coastal waters and towns from Maine to Florida.

From the quaint town of Fernandina Beach (second oldest city in Florida), we headed for Brunswick GA, on Saturday morning - a ride of about 55 miles on Saturday. Taking the side trip into the East River to be "downtown" was a disappointment, but the marina is new, clean and delightful showers!

Sunday morning, early, we're off -- passing "American Star" docked in Brunswick, who obviously arrived during our trip into town or after we retired for the night. Good to see a "neighbor" again! Sunday was a long day -- about 80 miles -- traveling with the dreaded horseflies that are prevalent on the Georgia Coast. Barb & Jann spent a good part of the day attempting to reduce the population (~325 kills), but this likely didn't make a dent in the big picture! The coast of Georgia provides great entertainment -- as well as views like this one, where the shrimp boat appears to be gliding through the marsh.

We pulled into to a real experience at the Kilkenny Creek Marina about 3:30p. This was Georgia redneck country to the extreme! Delightful people and a very active marina with a lift for trailered boats rather than a ramp. With an 8-9 tide, ramps don't work well! With the rickety floating dock and the "local color", Kilkenny Creek had great charm and Ivory Lady will likely be visiting here again!

The sunrise over the marsh got Barb out of bed early and our journey began (as most do) a little before 8a. This is was a short day, as our destination was 45 miles into downtown Savannah. We're harbored right on Riverstreet in "Old Town" at the Hyatt dockside. Arriving about 1p, we had to "give way" again to a container ship headed out to sea. Savannah is the 4th largest container port in the United States and adds an exciting dimension to our stay here. Even with the heat, we walked Bull Street to Forsyth Park -- but returned for ice cream at Leopold's!! Dinner was on Riverstreet @ Boar's Head Tavern. And while we're dining at our windowside table, American Star arrives -- now we're wondering if we're being followed!!

Today is Tuesday -- and we had a delightful day, even though the heat was again to be 100 degrees!! Took the Old Town Trolley which provides a 90 minute narrated tour, including the Mercer-Williams House (home of Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil), architecture and history. By mid-afternoon, we've returned to Ivory Lady to escape the heat!!

Tomorrow is Wednesday -- and we'll have to say "adios" to our great crew, as Barb is headed for Annapolis to sync up with Bob and we'll be very sorry to see her go!! Ivory Lady is headed for Beaufort for Wednesday night and then on to Charleston on Thursday.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cruising The East Coast

We had a FABULOUS weekend at the Moorings Yacht Club in Vero Beach for the FCYC Meeting -- joined with our great friends Willy & Caryn Bain! Caryn & I started the weekend right (Friday morning) with massage & facial, followed by a delightful lunch with our boys on the beach. Saturday was an eco-cruise with an extremely knowledgeable lady from the Environmental Learning Center in Vero. Saturday night was the "big doin'" at the Club and we had a delightful time!!

Sunday morning, Ivory Lady departed @ 7a headed for Eau Gaille Yacht Club and brunch with a couple we met on Saturday evening. While weather appeared threatening, we were actually perfectly timed to avoid all the bad weather and only had a few drops of rain along the way. What a Spread -- best we've EVER seen!! And, what a surprise, Jann connected with Jeff Shuman, EVP of Harris with whom she had worked closely during her tenure there. Sunday evening provided us a glorious sunset

Then a HUGE highlight -- we left Eau Gaille @ 6:45a and had a front row seat for the Shuttle Endeavor liftoff at Cape Canaveral. What a sight! We were about a mile from the launch pad!


Endeavor In Flight!

Endeavor into the Clouds! Unfortunately, there was a thin cloud cover, so she disappeared within a few seconds!

And, then, of course -- the smoke plume and the percussions (both sound and feel) arrive many seconds later!

About 5 miles north of the Cape is Haulover Canal, separating the Indian River Lagoon and Mosquito Lagoon. It is a gorgeous natural area and DEMANDS an idle speed through the canal.

As we entered the canal, we were greeted with
a bird "surfing" on a floating log.

Then, what a joy -- and justification for the idle speed -- three manatee playing in the canal right beside us!

It was a relatively long day -- 83 miles -- and we arrived at Halifax River/Daytona Beach about 3:45p. Rinsed the boat and settled in for the night. Off to St. Augustine tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time Flies!

Here it is Wednesday, May 11 -- a week since we leave Marathon! We've had simply gorgeous weather, Ivory Lady is behaving like a Lady and the Captain & Admiral are enjoying life to its fullest!

Since our last posting, we journeyed from Miami (Key Biscayne) to Ft. Lauderdale (Coral Ridge YC) on Saturday with sightings of two manatee, stingray and flying fish. On Sunday we were joined by our dear friend Judy Ambury for the trip to Boca Raton (Royal Palm Yacht Club on right). The journey up the Intracoastal Waterway is so enjoyable with all the HUGE boats and homes lining the way. Lots of bridges, but fortunately, we don't require many to be opened as we can drop the mast/antennae and make it under 18 feet.

On Monday, we continued our journey to Jupiter (this is us leaving our slip in Boca) where we enjoyed Admiral's Cove so much that we stayed another day. It's a huge development with amazing homes, great pool & hot tub and a delightful harbormaster (Lee). That allowed our good friends, Tom & Marie Smith aboard Adventure to sync up with us for a lovely dinner last night.

Today was another "slow day" with many no wake zones for manatee, so the 34 miles took us almost 4 hours. Lots of good memories in these parts, as this is where we found Ivory Lady just over a year ago!! As we came through Jupiter, we again marvel at the beauty of their lighthouse.

We are now at Harbour Ridge (clubhouse on left), up the north fork of the St. Lucie River, with a cold iced tea in one hand and a good book in the other!!

Tomorrow we head out early -- in hopes of making the 7:30a or 8:15a bridge opening @ Dixie Highway -- otherwise, we're there until after 9a, due to limited openings during rush hour.

Destination tomorrow is The Moorings Yacht Club in Vero Beach, about 45 miles. We visited there on the way down last fall and it is a FABULOUS facility, thanks to hurricane insurance!! We'll be there for the weekend for the FCYC (Florida Council of Yacht Clubs) meeting, where we'll be joined with our great friends, Willy & Caryn Bain, along with Tom & Marie, Joe & June and Tony from our Marathon Yacht Club family! Lots of fun to be had -- more later, dear friends!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Journey North

Ivory Lady is Headed North!

After an absolutely fabulous winter with great weather, good friends and lots of visitors, Ivory Lady with Captain Bill & Admiral Jann started the trek north on Wednesday, May 4 -- by heading west! We couldn't resist participating in the Bahia Honda Fleet/Fun Fleet Cruise, which took us about 1 1/2 hours in the opposite direction from our ultimate target. We had a great two days, used my Valentine's Day gift of anchor bridle and spent two glorious nights "on the hook".

This morning, we hoisted anchor shortly after 7a. We had intended to go "outside" which would take us up the Atlantic and perhaps catch the gulfstream for a 3-4knot push. In checking the weather, however, the winds were unfavorable and the stream had moved about 10 miles further out. So, we ducked back "inside" which brings us up the Gulf and Florida Bay to Key Largo and then around the peninsula to Miami.

As we cruised through Key Largo and Jewfish Creek, we passed good friends, Tom & Marie Smith aboard Adventure, who are headed to Hilton Head SC for the summer. We plan to sync up with them in the next couple of days and actually spend several days together next weekend at the FCYC meeting at the Moorings Yacht Club in Vero Beach.

Just a few minutes later, we had some great traveling companions for about 15 minutes!

We arrived in Key Biscayne about 4:30p and staying at the Key Biscayne Yacht Club just for tonight. Unfortunately, their dockmaster was highly incompetent and the slip was only about 4 inches wider than Ivory Lady, but Captain Bill did his magic again and we are in safe and sound for the night.

Tomorrow is on to Ft. Lauderdale -- short day with lots of "no wake zones" as we cruise up the Intracoastal Waterway.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Lovely Marathon Season

Last we communicated, we were headed to the cabin in North Carolina for Christmas. This picture says it all:

Didn't take us long to long for the Keys! Flew back to Marathon to find out that Bill had been nominated for treasurer of the Yacht Club. Before the election could take place, the Vice Commodore nominee had to quit and the Rear Commodore nominee was promoted to Vice. Bill was elevated to Rear Commodore and was elected in January. See what happens when you turn your head or miss a meeting? Jann has curtailed her consulting and is contributing much of her considerable talents to the Yacht Club. She has also learned to play Mah Jongg.

Ivory Lady has been behaving quite nicely on the frequent cruises we take with our friends at the club. We had a fun trip to Miami on the boat and then went back soon after to the Miami Boat Show by car. At the show we acquired an anchor bridle and Jann & I really look forward to using it to anchor out in one of the many gunkholes around the Keys. Soon as the wind lays down, we'll get away from the dock and take some pics of the new anchoring device. Until then, we hope your weather isn't too bad and we'll refrain from gloating about ours. It could still take a turn.