Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hello again after a month of getting Ivory Lady ship shape and personalized. A lot of time that could have been spent blogging was devoted to doing our tax returns - UGH!

Good weather has finally reached the Keys and we decided to launch the kayaks on their maiden voyage. These are Hobie Mirage sport boats with pedal drive units, rudders and lots of accessories for fishing and sailing. We're still thinking about the sails.

After wrestling them into the water, getting the parts and pieces assembled and gracefully climbing aboard, we were off to test their seaworthiness. The Gulf was a little choppy, but these boats cut right through it. Pedalling and paddling at the same time yielded plenty of speed and a great cardio workout. We only had time to travel about 2 miles, but what fun.

The next adventure with these babies will be flyfishing for bonefish. In the mean time, we plan to take them north with us to the Carolinas and enjoy them in the mountain lakes around our cabin.